It's on mornings like this...

It's on mornings like this...

Sitting in my warm, relaxed (albeit a tad messy) office, a gentle Spotify playlist on repeat, looking out over the front yard as the rain begins to fall - making you inevitably feel even more comfortable by the fact that you’re not out in it.

It’s 11am. The kids have been dropped off at school, I’ve shared a 4km walk with the dog around a local park. A sourdough loaf has been commenced that’ll be attended to over the day, and reward us all later tonight.

I’m now tweaking some final edits to a tender which popped up unexpected last week - with inevitably a super-short 10 day timeframe. After that, some emails to further a few partnerships for RHoK, and a bit of true dogsbody admin work for some local community development work here in Box Hill. And if I get time, let’s address that probono work I’m doing for a new community org in Vanuatu.

My partner just texts me - she’ll be home in an hour and picking up some takeaway for lunch. That’ll be a nice spot to pause…

It’s days like these that make me feel that, despite that anxieties and compromises that can come from working for yourself and being subject to the vagaries of clients, markets and the environment, it’s a way of working, a lifestyle, which I feel incredibly privileged to have been able to embrace.

Ever since I left full-time organisational employment and started this journey I’ve felt that I should keep some sort of log - A record of the experience, both as a record of learnings and growth, but also to keep track of the many varied activities and experiences that come with this way of working.

So here it is… let’s see where this journey continues to take me.